How do I Increase the Score from 75 to 120 in UPSC Prelims?



Achieving a score of 75 in the UPSC Prelims is an admirable feat, but for those aspiring to reach the coveted 120, it's essential to refine your approach. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore actionable strategies, expert tips, and personal insights on how to elevate your UPSC Prelims score to the next level.

The Path to Success

To make the leap from 75 to 120 in UPSC Prelims, it's crucial to understand the multifaceted nature of this examination. Let's embark on this journey step by step:

Understanding the UPSC Prelims Syllabus

Before you dive into preparation, acquaint yourself thoroughly with the UPSC Prelims syllabus. Ensure that no topic is left unexplored. Utilize LSI keywords to enhance your understanding without explicitly mentioning them in your content.

Crafting a Targeted Study Plan

The foundation of your success lies in the creation of a well-structured study plan. Allocate ample time to each subject and topic. Ensure that your plan is comprehensive and allows for periodic revisions.

Effective Resource Selection

Choosing the right study material is pivotal. Invest in quality textbooks, online resources, and UPSC-specific guides. Look for a variety of perspectives and sources to gain a comprehensive understanding.

Time Management

The key to success in UPSC Prelims lies in efficient time management. Devote specific time slots to each subject and prioritize topics based on their weightage in the exam.

Focused Prelims Preparation

Dedicate a significant portion of your preparation time to the prelims. Practice solving previous years' question papers and take mock tests regularly to gauge your progress.

In-depth Study of Current Affairs

The UPSC Preliminary Examination plays a very important role when it comes to current affairs. Stay updated with the latest news and events, focusing on both national and international issues.

Optimal Answer-writing Skills

Effective answer-writing is essential. Practice writing concise and clear answers to questions, incorporating headings and subheadings for clarity.

Choosing the Right Optional Subject

Selecting the optional subject that aligns with your strengths and interests can give you an advantage. Make this decision wisely.

Mock Interviews

Prepare for the interview stage early on. Conduct mock interviews to improve your communication skills and build confidence.

Maintaining a Positive Attitude

A positive mindset can work wonders. Believe in yourself and your abilities. Maintain a balanced life to reduce stress and stay motivated.

Consistent Practice

Consistency is the secret to success. Regularly revise what you've learned, and practice mock tests to assess your progress.

Ethics and Integrity

The UPSC values candidates with a strong moral compass. Uphold ethical principles in your preparation and daily life.

Revisiting Basics

Don't overlook the basics. Regularly revise fundamental concepts in each subject to build a strong foundation.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How early should I start preparing for UPSC Prelims?

It's advisable to start your preparation at least a year in advance to cover the vast syllabus effectively.

Is coaching necessary for UPSC Prelims preparation?

While coaching can be helpful, many aspirants succeed with self-study using the right resources and guidance.

How can I write better answers?

Regular practice, seeking feedback, and analyzing your answers can significantly enhance your answer-writing abilities.

Can I balance work while preparing for UPSC Prelims?

Yes, many aspirants manage work alongside their preparation, but it requires efficient time management.

How do I stay motivated during the preparation journey?

Set achievable goals, reward yourself for milestones, and remind yourself of your ultimate objective to maintain motivation.

What role do current affairs play in UPSC Prelims?

Current affairs are integral to both the prelims and mains exams. Staying updated ensures you can answer questions effectively.


Ascending from a score of 75 to 120 in UPSC Prelims demands dedication, the right strategy, and a positive outlook. The comprehensive roadmap provided here encompasses all aspects of your journey, from study plans to ethical principles. Remember, your pursuit of excellence in this challenging examination is not just about the destination; it's also about the transformational journey of growth and knowledge.

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