How to Read NCERT for UPSC


Are you gearing up for the UPSC (Union Public Service Commission) examination and wondering how to make the most out of your NCERT books? Look no further! We, at OJAANK IAS ACADEMY are here to provide you with a comprehensive guide on how to read NCERT for UPSC. We understand that cracking the UPSC exam is a challenging endeavor, and your study materials play a pivotal role in achieving success.

Choosing the Right NCERT Books

Before we dive into the nitty-gritty of reading NCERT books effectively, let's start with the basics - selecting the right books. Here's what you need to consider:

1. Relevance to UPSC Syllabus

Ensure that the NCERT books you choose align with the subjects and topics specified in the UPSC syllabus. A well-aligned curriculum is essential for comprehensive preparation.

2. Latest Editions

Opt for the latest editions of NCERT books, as they often incorporate updates and improvements in content. Staying current with the material is crucial.

3. Subject-Specific Selection

Different NCERT books are available for various subjects, such as history, geography, economics, and political science. Select books that match your chosen optional subjects and general studies.

Effective Reading Strategies

Now that you have the right NCERT books in your arsenal, it's time to explore some strategies for effective reading:

1. Active Engagement

Don't just skim through the pages; actively engage with the content. Take notes, highlight crucial points, and jot down questions or doubts for further clarification.

2. Mind Mapping

Complex concepts can often be simplified through visualization. Create mind maps or flowcharts to better understand and retain intricate information.

3. Consistency is Key

Allocate dedicated time each day for NCERT book reading. Consistency in your study routine is essential for optimal retention.
Scheduling Your Reading


Managing your time efficiently is paramount when preparing for UPSC. Here's how you can schedule your NCERT book reading:

1. Syllabus Prioritization

Familiarize yourself with the UPSC syllabus and prioritize your reading accordingly. Start with subjects that carry more weight in the exam, such as Indian history, geography, and polity.

2. Regular Revision

Don't forget to revisit the portions you've covered. Regular revision reinforces your understanding and ensures you don't forget what you've learned.

Supplementing Your Reading

While NCERT books provide a strong foundation, they shouldn't be your sole study material. You might also want to consider some of the following resources:

1. Standard Reference Books

For in-depth knowledge and a broader perspective on certain topics, consult standard reference books in your chosen subjects.

2. Current Affairs

Stay updated with current affairs, as questions related to contemporary issues are a vital component of the UPSC examination.

3. Mock Tests

Time management and knowledge assessment through mock tests. Mock tests provide a real feel for the exam environment.

In Conclusion

Reading NCERT books is an integral part of your UPSC preparation journey. These books offer clarity, simplicity, and a well-structured foundation for a wide range of subjects. Remember, success in the UPSC examination demands dedication, perseverance, and a well-structured study plan.

By following the guidelines we've provided, you can enhance your preparation and significantly improve your chances of acing this prestigious exam. Best of luck on your UPSC journey-OJAANK IAS ACADEMY!

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