Q. Discuss the multidimensional aspects of poverty. How does poverty extend beyond income levels and impact various aspects of individuals and communities? :- 150 word limitQ. गरीबी के बहुआयामी पहलुओं पर चर्चा कीजिए। गरीबी किस प्रकार आय स्तर से आगे बढ़ती है और व्यक्तियों और समुदायों के विभिन्न पहलुओं को प्रभावित करती है? :- 150 शब्द सीमा

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Poverty encompasses more than just income; it influences education, health, housing, and social participation. These multidimensional aspects perpetuate cycles of deprivation and inequality. 1. Health: Poor nutrition, inadequate healthcare, and sanitation lead to health disparities, reducing life expectancy and quality of life. 2. Education: Limited access to quality education perpetuates intergenerational poverty, hindering skill development and economic mobility. 3. Housing: Overcrowding, unsafe living conditions, and homelessness exacerbate vulnerability and perpetuate cycles of poverty. 4. Social cohesion: Poverty strains social networks, fostering exclusion, crime, and marginalization, undermining community resilience and cohesion. In addressing poverty, holistic approaches must consider these interconnected dimensions to enact meaningful change and foster sustainable development.

Multidimensional aspects of poverty Health education House unemployment and environmental migration and social boundary. Poverty income level is determined because of which facility is available from village to city.

1 code because of individual and committee (categories)

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