Q. Q. Difference Between Religious Sources and Secular Sources. Q. Q. धार्मिक स्रोतों और धर्मनिरपेक्ष स्रोतों के बीच अंतर ?

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religious and secular sources both are literary sources. religious literature describes the social & cultural situation of the society which is very difficult to follow according to time & space in nowadays days if also describes social economical & political life of Aryans it also describes the struggle between Aryan and non Aryan. it's resources are vedas Jain literature & Buddhist literature & other contemporary literatures . puranas are the stories of purana . total Puranas are18 . it gives us genelogical history of ancient rulers . main puranas are vayu purana , Vishnu purana, skand purana , Matsya purana etc Mahabharata and Ramayana are the most famous epics. mahabharata contains 100000 verses & ramayana contai ns 24000 verses. Mahabharata is older than Ramayana . like it Jain and Buddhist literature describes historical personalities and events . Old literature of Buddhism was written in Pali language language of Magadha' s people or southern Bihar other side secular literature class means dharmasutra jeevani nataka aur literature of southern India 🇮🇳 named as Sangama literature is law book . Dharmasutra was compiled in 500 - 200 BC and the main learnings are sahitabaddha before 6 th century BC in Christian Era. It tells laws how to buy sell or gi s property to anyone . so we can say that there is great difference between religious and secular literature

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