Rig Vedic Period



1. Time period in ancient India

1.1. Believed to be from 1500 BC to 1000 BC


2. Named after Rig Veda

2.1. Oldest known Vedic text


3. Society

3.1. Tribal and pastoral

3.2. Families led by patriarchs


4. Economy

4.1. Based on agriculture and cattle-rearing

4.2. Barter system used for trade


5. Language

5.1. Sanskrit used for rituals and religious texts


6. Social structure

6.1. Divided into four varnas (castes)

6.2. Priests (Brahmins) held highest status


7. Religion

7.1. Polytheistic beliefs

7.2. Worship of nature gods like Indra and Agni

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